In the event that your auto card top-up failed, you will be notified through the Moneybase application. There are number of reasons leading to an unsuccessful card top-up.
Your Moneybase Auto top-up limits are:
- Up to 5 times per day and 12 times per week
- Maximum amount per day: €2,500 (or the equivalent in your currency)
- Maximum amount per week: €5,000 (or equivalent)
- You may set one Auto top-up per currency held at any point in time
- Low balance range is between Eur10 and Eur1,000,000
If you are still within the Moneybase auto top-up limits then it is most likely that the the transaction is being declined by your card issuing bank. A card transaction might be declined by your card issuing bank due to one of the following reasons:
- Card is not activated yet
- Card transaction has been blocked by the issuing bank
- Card has been previously blocked or reported as lost or stolen
- Card is expired or has not been renewed
- Card has exceeded the issuing bank's limits
- Card details were not saved following a standard card top up
- Standard card top up is still within the 30 day timeframe from first use on Moneybase
Kindly contact the bank that has issued your card and if any further assistance is required you may contact us on +356 25 688 688, seven days a week.